Retailer Solutions

Make informed buying decisions by analyzing your store's performance aligned with the overall industry.

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Fast & Easy Access

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Instantly get a pulse on your sales operations and easily identify challenges based on current and historical trends.

Boost Product Sales

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Freely connect with your brand partners onto one data platform to ensure you never run out of their best selling products.

How It Works

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Why retailers like you are joining TrackFly

Time for what matters

Spend more time talking with customers in your shop and less time wondering about if your inventory will sell or turn cold.

Sell more products

Discover what in-demand products your customers are looking for and buying, even if it’s not from your store location(s).

Verify & scale

Confirm your most productive business strategies while identifying new growth opportunities that will take your shop to the next level.

Customer preference

Become the specialty retailer of choice for both current and potentially new customers looking for their preferred products in your industry.
We know that your data security is of vital importance to you and therefore it is important to us. When you connect to the TrackFly platform all of your data is secured under the highest industry safety standards.

Connect with your community of retailers and unlock greater visibility into your industry