We're here to EMPOWER you.

TrackFly has partnered with the American Fly Fishing Trade Association to unify the industry community and facilitate a new level of collaboration between its members. We are supporting this initiative by connecting specialty retailers and brands onto one data platform to unlock industry insights once exclusive to elite businesses with large budgets.
Sign up for your FREE account here →


Market Insights

STEP 1 - Speciality retailers securely and anonymously connect their POS system to the TrackFly Platform.
STEP 2 - TrackFly's software uses brand catalogs and connected POS systems to produce anonymized industry reports that the entire community can access to monitor market trends.
STEP 3 - Industry reports are delivered back to participating members with an AFFTA membership and can be seen on their FREE TrackFly Retailer Dashboard. You can sign up for your AFFTA membership by clicking here →
Get Started Today